TV Shows
The Bear
@thebearfxWatchThe Bear is a critically acclaimed TV series that follows a talented young chef who returns to his hometown of Chicago to take over his family's struggling sandwich shop after his brother's tragic death. Matty Matheson is a producer of the award winning show and plays a supporting role in the cast.
Cookin' Somethin'
WatchCookin’ Somethin’ is the perfect show for food lovers who enjoy a mix of culinary insights and unfiltered, fun-filled cooking. This show is Matty Matheson's main vehicle for getting his all of his recipes from his brain into your home!
Just A Dash
WatchJust A Dash is a wild ride of entertainment disguised as a cooking show. A must-watch for food lovers who enjoy a side of comedy with their culinary content. Now with 3 seasons under their belt the Just a Dash crew and episodes are crazier than ever.
Eat Out America
WatchEat Out America is a wacky and un-hinged show featuring Matty Matheson and his music producer best friend Benny Blanco. Join in on the over the top hijinks as they embark on a wild, food-filled adventure across the United States.
Powerful Truth Angels
WatchPowerful Truth Angels is a podcast hosted by Alex 2Tone and Matty Matheson talking to their famous and interesting friends. Listen to them spend countless hours talking to people who carve their own paths through life's jungles with varying degrees of success, laughs and tears.